
We believe in:

  • Visuals (mockups, diagrams, sketches, and more) - There is no greater tool for empowering everyone around the table - especially those without a technical background - and for dialoguing on early ideas. Pen and paper are invaluable.
  • Integrity - Doing the right thing and standing up for principles of user experience - despite the complexity and conflicts it might add to a project.
  • Partnership and Active Dialogues - Clients deserve to make informed trade-off decisions; the onus is on us to present clear options to be decided on. At the same time, the best clients are those who see the process as a partnership and stay engaged throughout. 
  • Agility - Predictability and process are tremendously helpful; and yet at times a project calls for breaking all the rules.  
  • Design Thinking - A process that is iterative, creative, and comfortable with ambiguity, and yet starts from the place of a workable solution.